Anti-IL-17A Blockade does not Significantly Reduce Inflammatory Lesions in Adult Patients with Moderate to Severe Acne


eMediNexus    27 January 2023

CJM112 is a potent anti-IL-17A monoclonal antibody and is clinically efficient in psoriasis. The present study assessed the effect of IL-17A blockade, using CJM112, in moderate to severe acne patients.


The study enrolled patients with moderate to severe acne and randomized them to receive CJM112 300 mg, 75 mg or placebo subcutaneously during Treatment Period 1 (0-12 weeks). It re-randomized patients receiving placebo to receive CJM112 300 mg or 75 mg during Treatment Period 2 (12-24 weeks). The study looked for the number of inflammatory facial lesions at Week 12.


The study observed:


  • Enrollment of 52 patients.
  • 92.3% and 63.4% completed Treatment Periods 1 and 2, respectively.
  • A reduction in facial inflammatory lesions in all groups, with no difference between CJM112 and placebo.
  • No differences between groups in other secondary and exploratory endpoints at Week 12.


This study shows anti-IL-17A therapy to be not significantly different from the placebo in reducing inflammatory lesions in patients with moderate to severe acne.


Source: Thiboutot DM, Craft N, Rissmann R, et al. Anti-IL-17A blockade did not significantly reduce inflammatory lesions in a placebo-controlled pilot study in adult patients with moderate to severe acne. J Dermatolog Treat. 2022 Dec 15:2138691. 

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